Female, DSH Calico, DOB 22/03/2017
Well hello there!
I’m looking for a new hooman pal to hang out with!
I’m soooo friendly and super smoochy and I’d love to spend my time with you. I can picture cosy nights in, snuggled up next to you… watching all that trashy TV you people like to watch!
Or I can join you whilst you eat your favourite meal at the table… I know, I’m really selfless like that!
I can even live alongside other felines. I haven’t lived with those canine kids yet so we might need a slow introduction, they look kind of fun though.
Either way, I just want to be you best feline gal pal!!
I just know your going to love me and I purromise to love you back with all my heart <3
Meet me at APS today!