Female, DSH Tortie, DOB 28/11/2014

Can you help me find my ‘happy place’ again? I was once content and settled in a place I thought was home. Until one day my owner gave me away… I’m not sure why? I really am a sweet girl. I never thought at my age I would be homeless but I’m not giving up hope just yet. I know somewhere out there in the big wide world there is the purrfect home just for me! So you should maybe know, I’m not so keen to share my surroundings with other cats but who knows maybe with a slow introduction I could learn to make a feline friend or even maybe a dog companion. Being a maturer lady I think a quieter home would best suit me… I’d make a great companion for a hooman, a couple or even maybe a family with older children. I would like you to come and visit me though and see for yourself what a really nice girl I am!