Male, DSH Grey and white Tabby, DOB 20/10/2016
Hey there, I’m Grayson and I’d be very pleased to meet you and I’d be overjoyed if you’d like to take me home and make your place my furrever pad! I’m a friendly boy, in fact I can be quite a smooch! Sometimes I might give you a little love bite but I don’t mean to, I just get a bit carried away! Aside from lots of love, I don’t need much else, only an indoor home as I am FIV+. Don’t worry it just means that my immune system could be a bit more compromised. With an annual health check every year to make sure I’m in tip top condition there is every chance I’ll live a normal healthy life. I just need a slow introduction to any other kitty friends that might live with you, (FIV can be passed onto other cats through deep bite wounds) other than that I don’t need much in life, just you!