Male, DSH Ginger and White, DOB 27/04/2016
Well howdy there! I’m a fun loving boy looking for pastures new! I’ve been hanging out at APS for a couple of months now and that’s kinda cool. I’ve made lots of new friends (mainly hoomans) and sometimes they let me hang out in the kitchen with them but sadly not when they’re dishing up dinner! Life’s pretty fine and dandy but I can’t help but dream of my own place; that big fluffy rug to lay on in front of the fire and some lovely tuna steaks all for me (okay, maybe I’m getting a bit carried away now!!). I’m a confident boy so I think I’ll do just fine in most homes. I’m not sure of woofs but I’m sure given a slow introduction I’ll be fine with other four legged friends you might have in your household. So can I come and live at yours? I’m waiting to meet you at APS, open 10am – 3pm every day!