Male, DSH Ginger and White, DOB 27/08/2018
Heyyyyy!!! Do you need some ginger love in your life?
Then pick me!!
I’m bouncy and I’m playful, oh and I love people too! My best friend is a black and white cat called Rocky, and heyyy, maybe you could adopt both of us… now that would be cool!!
I’ve been hanging out at the shelter for quite a while now but now I’m searching for more in life… more food, more cosy beds to snuggle up in and more toys!!!
There’ll never be a dull moment when you have me around, gingers are fun, fun, FUN!
Oops, before I forget, the hoomans have told me to let you know that I have to be on a special diet (to keep me extra awesome!) – don’t worry though, they can tell you all about it when you come in to adopt ME!!