Tips to help you find your loved furry friend door knock and ask your neighbours to have a look in their sheds, garages or other places a cat or dog might hide. Write up flyers and place in letterboxes, at your local shopping centres, at your local vets. Place a flyer on your rubbish bin and put your bin out the front of your home. Telephone veterinary clinics, pounds and other Rescues to give a description of your dog or cat. Go along to the Pounds as they usually have a photograph of found animals on a board out the front of the Pound. You can immediately see if your furry friend is on the board. You do need to go along to the Pound yourself as just telephoning is not enough, as sometimes the dog or cat you are describing over the phone can be misinterpreted by the person you are speaking to. Other places to look for your lost pet. Post on Facebook groups –Perth Pets lost and found, Perth Pets in Need, All creatures lost and found and Gumtree classifieds. Please also alert your pets microchip company.
Have you Found a Dog or Cat?
So you have found a dog or cat. What you can do? If it is safe for you to do so, please see if the dog or cat is wearing any identification that will allow you to contact the owner. If the dog/cat is not wearing any identification and you are able (again think of your safety first) take the dog/cat to your local vet. They will then be able to scan the dog/cat to see if it is microchipped and then contact the owner to collect the dog/cat from there – this is a free service. Alternatively you can contact the council rangers to come and collect the dog or cat from you or if it is wandering in your area.
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